The Big Dill Pickleball Tournament

Refund Policy

Cancellation deadline is 9pm July 3rd 2024. No refunds for any reason after that date.

Cancellations prior to that date are subject to a $15 administration fee. Your spot in the tournament is not guaranteed until your partner has registered and all fees have been paid in full.

This is an outdoor tournament. There are no refunds for weather related cancellations. We will make every effort to complete all events. Tournament Director reserves the right
to change format, shorten games, or make any other changes they feel will help complete the event.

Players who do not show up for their event and fail to notify the tournament director prior OR leave the event without notifying the tournament director after it has started are subject to a $25 fine. The fine must be paid before registering for any other DBC events.

ALL REFUNDS will be sent within 7days after the tournament is completed.